Car, motorcycle and tire repair shop in Korfos. Spare parts, A/C and sound systems available.
Sale and distribution of buggies and quads. Repairs for motorcycles and tires, located in Vougli.
Spare parts and service for vehicles and sale of farming vehicles and equipment.
By aiming at responding to our members' requests immediately, we have managed to surpass the barrier of time: we are established as the fastest Roadside Assistance in Europe. Thus, the time required to access the point of the car breakdown is JUST a few minutes - another example of the excellent function system of the Compa…
ELPA offers road assistance, breakdown support and towing services.
Eurosos provides road service, breakdown assistance and towing services.
Car garage offering repair, service, and body paint.
Car, motorcycle and tire repair shop in Vrissi.
Car, motorbike and tire repair shop. Located in Argyraina.
Car, motorbike and tire repair shop, located in the Vothonas Region.
Car, motorbike and tire repair shop, located in the Vothonas Region.
Car garage offering repair, service and body paint. Located in Ftelia.
Car, motorcycle and tire repair.
Car repair, service and body paint.