I arrived early in the morning on the island and had booked online on this company's website because I had seen good feedback on google, so I chose a Pugeot 107 for a day only. Easy and immediate booking. A timely and friendly driver came to pick me up at the airport and helped me with luggage and took me to car hire. Upon arriving at their office clerk I showed me the points of interest of the island on the map and they delivered me a 107 white, clean. They did the photos to compare any damage, but fortunately I did not do any accident :), I turned the island by visiting some beautiful beaches, then in the evening I brought the car, checked that it was all ok and they brought me to the ' hotel. I was very worried about the reviews about the Mykonos car rentals, but they were honest (good price) and the car was in good condition and convenient. I recommend it to everybody. Thank you Mototrust.